Central North Island & Auckland 0800 005500 | Northland 0800 262263 office@zebrabrokencar.co.nz
Get your free quote right now, find out how much your scrap car, unwanted car or broken car is worth today.

The simplest way to find out how much we will pay you for your unwanted car, van or ute is to phone our FREE phone number Central North Island & Auckland 0800 005500 | Northland 0800 262263 one of our super helpful kiwi staff will be able to answer you straight away, NO HASSLES

Remember we always pay you our best cash price and our free car removal service is always free, we never deduct the cost of the tow off the price we will pay you, so you get the cash price that we quote every time.

If you are too busy to call you can also fill out this simple form and one of the team will get your free quote back to you very quickly.

Get the best cash price for your unwanted broken down scrap car every time at Zebra Broken Car Collection Company.

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